Cllr Worby

East London Council committed to supporting unpaid carers with the launch of a new Charter

To support the valuable contribution that unpaid carers make to health and social care services, Barking and Dagenham Council has launched a Carers Charter to coincide with this year’s Carers Week.

Informal carers make up a large proportion of the population in the borough, with around 23,000 of our residents providing care for someone. However, many of these are ‘hidden carers’ are not known to support services or registered for any support.

The Carers Charter brings together the vision and commitment of the Council and its partners to support carers of all ages, ensuring that their voices are heard, and they have access to the support they need to help them in their caring role. 

The Charter is the latest version of the carers strategy and an excellent example of joint working between the council, carers and partners across health, community, the voluntary sector and the wider community.

The Charter was co-created through a three-phased consultation, which involved focus groups and workshops with local carers and partners. It is inclusive as it covers all age groups including young carers and will be delivered through an agreed action plan with partners.

Cllr Maureen Worby, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health Integration, said: “I want to thank all our unpaid carers in the community for the amazing job that they do.

"Unpaid carers make a valuable contribution to supporting our wider community and some of our most vulnerable residents and that’s why the launch of the Carers Charter is so important.

“Although many carers feel pride and satisfaction in their caring role, caring can have an impact on their own health, employment and lives outside caring and they may need support with their physical and mental health and wellbeing. They may also need support financially. The Carers Charter will ensure that our carers are getting the right help and accessing the services they need but also to acknowledge the important work they do.”

To find out more about the Carers Charter and how unpaid carers can access local help and support go to: