Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

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Domestic and Sexual Violence Service - Refuge

One to one confidential, non-judgemental support and advocacy to all people living or working in Barking and Dagenham experiencing domestic abuse. This includes FGM.

Refuge website

Call: 0300 456 0174

Email: BDAdvocacy@refuge.org.uk

Forward UK (Foundation for Women’s Health Research and Development)

The leading African women-led organisation working to end violence against women and girls.

Call: 020 8960 4000, extension 1

Call (mobile): 07834 168 141

Email: support@forwarduk.org.uk

Offers help and advice to keep children safe from FGM
NSPCC FGM website

Call: 0808 800 500 

Email: Help@NSPCC.org.uk 

Excel Women’s Centre

A community hub with an open door policy. Women and children are welcome to walk straight into the Centre to relax, for advice or for the various activities on offer.

Excel Women’s Centre website

Call: 020 8594 3730