Late payment
You must ensure you pay your Business Rates on time. If you pay late then you will be sent a reminder letter. If you do not pay the amount outstanding by the required date, then you will lose your right to pay by instalments and you will need to pay the full balance.
Please be aware that payments made by cheque take an extra 5 days to reach your account. You must ensure your payment has reached us, on or before the date shown on your bill. If you have multiple accounts, then a remittance notice must accompany your cheque.
Pay now to bring your account up to date
You can also set up a direct debit to ensure your payments are always on time.
If you pay the full amount due shown on the summons now then no further action will be taken.
Pay now to bring your account up to date
If you cannot pay the full amount then you need to act immediately and request a repayment arrangement with us.
Once your repayment arrangement is agreed then we will take no further action.
If you're no longer responsible for paying the Business Rates or the summons has been sent incorrectly, please contact us on 0208 227 2934.
Enforcement agents
If you have already been contacted by an enforcement agent then you must call them directly.
Whyte & Co Enforcement Services
Business rates team
Town Hall, 1 Town Square, Barking IG11 7LU
020 8227 2934