Help and support for dads
Help for dads
Children need fathers just as they need mothers, to love them, to be interested in them and to respond to their needs, making them feel valued and understood. Fathers play an equally important role in bringing up their children. Children don’t come with instructions and a parent’s role can be very demanding for both mums and dads
Dads can feel they need to be strong for their partner and may dismiss their own struggles. The following links aim to help dads to cope better with difficult situations, understand what they’re going through, and ultimately have positive family relationships.
Support for dads
Offers daily tips on fatherhood, forums, ask an expert services, advice, guidance and lifestyle articles, geo search facilities, a services directory, online coaching, children’s centre services, competitions, newsletters and reviews.
Provides information about rights of UK fathers.
The only UK support group dedicated to helping dads who are staying at home to bring up their children, Dad at Home is an interactive website for dads bringing up their children. Dads can meet up, offer advice and support and share their experiences of hands-on fathering.
This fatherhood think tank has information on a father’s role, research and training.
Specialist support for dads
These websites provide specialist support for dads with specific needs.
Provides information and support to parents, including unmarried parents, of either sex. Families Need Fathers is chiefly concerned with the problems of maintaining a child’s relationship with both parents during and after family breakdown
A unique reference point on being away from or separated from your children
The Centre for Separated Families
A national charity that works with everyone affected by family separation in order to bring about better outcomes for children
A specialist comprehensive online service, given by professionals who really understand the issues and concerns faced by single parents in the UK today
Domestic Abuse
There is a range of support and information available to help male victims of domestic abuse. Domestic abuse does not always mean physical violence – it also covers coercive and controlling behaviour, including psychological and emotional control.