Walking & Talking Series: Therapeutic Adventures around your Local Area

Walking & Talking Series: Therapeutic Adventures around your Local Area

Join us for a relaxing walk heading towards Creekmouth Park to discover its stunning views of the River Thames. Along the way we will be talking, doing some very light stretches and exercises mindfully and then pause to sit on the grass to eat some snacks.

Please bring the following with you: 

  1. Bring a bottle of water
  2. A blanket for our small picnic
  3. Rancoat just in case
  4. Wear closed shoes

Meeting Point: Sue Bramley Community Hub, Bastable Avenue, Barking IG11 0LH

Time: 12pm - 1.30pm

Dates: Tuesday 17 May 2022 and following days: 

  • Tuesday, 24 May 2022
  • Tuesday, 14 June 2022
  • Tuesday, 21 June 2022
  • Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Register your place by emailing at alex@twcp.org.uk 


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