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Emergency Support

Applicants can access emergency support through the emergency voucher scheme rather than making an application for discretionary financial support. Vouchers can be issued to support basic cost of living or energy costs. Access to the scheme is through the Homes & Money HUB and is subject to eligibility checks. Only one voucher can be issued within each 6-month rolling period. 

Referrals for support can be made using out Homes and Money Hub Referral form using ‘emergency situations - Support with food parcels or utilities during a crisis period’. 

Household Support Fund (HSF) 

Funded by UK Government logo


Hardship payments are intended to alleviate hardship and support those most in need that have been affected by the ongoing and rising cost of living and are suffering financial hardship. 

Support may be provided against (but not limited to): 

  • housing costs 
  • the cost of living 
  • energy costs and utility arrears 
  • the provision of essential white goods

Some awards will be granted at a set rate (a flat rate award) depending on the type of application. 

Financial support is short term and on a temporary basis and should not be seen as a permanent solution. 

Discretionary Council Tax Relief (DCTR)

The purpose of the scheme is to support residents who are liable to pay Council Tax and are experiencing financial hardship.  In this circumstance the Council may exercise its power to grant a reduction in the amount of Council Tax paid through a Discretionary Council Tax Relief award.

Any award will be applied directly to the Council Tax account to reduce the outstanding balance.

You must have a Council Tax Liability with the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham to claim Discretionary Council Tax Relief.

Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP)

Discretionary Housing Payments provide extra financial support to meet your housing costs. If you are already receiving Housing Benefit, or the Housing Element of Universal Credit and this does not cover your rent and you are in financial hardship you can apply. 

A DHP can also be awarded for rent in advance, a deposit and/or moving costs to move to more affordable accommodation. This is to help prevent homelessness but will be subject to affordability checks. 

Financial support is short term and on a temporary basis and should not be seen as a permanent solution. 

Applying for Hardship payments – Evidence must be submitted with your application 

All applications for assistance through these schemes will require basic evidence to be uploaded with the application. An evidence checklist will advise all applicants what evidence is required to be uploaded with the application. Examples of evidence required such as two months current bank statements, from all accounts held, regardless of balance or evidence of utility or rent arrears. 

All applicants must ensure they have the required evidence available to be uploaded when starting this application.  We recommend that you use the ‘save draft’ button as you progress through the application, using this function will save your details if you must leave the session and return to the form later.

Applications will be unable to be submitted without uploading evidence in support of your application.

Discretionary Hardship Support Policy (PDF, 839 KB)