Information for suppliers

Find out how to join iSupplier to view and receive purchase orders.

How the iSupplier Portal will benefit suppliers

There are several benefits associated with the portal which should enhance the way existing suppliers transact with the council, including:

  • the system enables suppliers to view and submit transactions 24 hours a day, 7 days per week
  • the system is designed around a “self-service” approach, is very easy to use and there are no special hardware or software requirements other than being able to access the internet through Microsoft Internet Explorer or Firefox browsers
  • the portal permits the online secure and real-time sharing of information between the council and its suppliers
  • increased transparency through the Purchase to Pay Cycle
  • reduced processing times for invoices and payments
  • reduced need to contact the Barking & Dagenham Accounts Payable Team

Signing up to use the Oracle iSupplier Portal is quick and easy.

If you are an existing supplier please complete the iSupplier user form:

LBBD iSupplier Invitation (DOCX, 769.70 KB)

iSupplier user manual

LBBD iSupplier user manual (PDF, 1.3 MB)

Purchase Order terms and conditions

These terms and conditions will apply unless LBBD specifies different terms and conditions in its tender or quotation documentation or some other contract entered into by the parties.

If different terms and conditions are specified by LBBD those terms and conditions will override the purchase order terms and conditions and will apply instead of these.

Purchase Order terms and conditions (PDF, 76KB)

Procurement & Accounts Payable Team

0208 227 2263