
Barking and Dagenham Council closes down illegal party twice

A party host has avoided prosecution after paying a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) for throwing two parties on two consecutive nights in July.

On the evening Thursday 23 July, council enforcement officers responded to a number of resident complaints about a loud party taking place in Thames View, Barking. On arrival officers were confronted by drunk revellers, loud amplified music and approximately 40 people in a small garden area.

Officers agreed that the noise was causing a nuisance to neighbours and served the occupier with a Legal Notice to turn off the music with immediate effect and close the party down.

However, the party organiser didn’t get the message and the next night, enforcement officers received further complaints of loud music, singing and shouting from the same property. As a result, officers visited the property again and witnessed a breach of the Legal Notice, which is a criminal offence. Officers said the music and bass was so loud that family photos were shaking on the walls of the property.

Officers confronted the person who they had issued the notice to the night before and advised him that they will be issuing him with a £150 FPN for breaching the notice. He was also advised that he would be prosecuted if he continued to cause a nuisance to neighbours.

The offender also avoided prosecution at a Magistrate’s Court and having his noise equipment seized as he paid the Fixed Penalty Notice.

As of today, there have been no further nuisance reports made about this address.

Councillor Margaret Mullane, Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety said: “Noise nuisance has been a significant issue and our enforcement officers have been doing a tremendous job. As with this case, if this offender decides to ignore them and continue to cause problems for their neighbours they will face a fine or worse.

“I am pleased to see that lessons have now been learned as we haven’t received any more complaints since the Fixed Penalty Notice was paid.”