Volunteers Week

Council celebrates its army of volunteers for National Volunteers’ Week

This week is Volunteers’ Week, which takes place from 1 – 7 June and is a chance to celebrate and say thank you to the hundreds of volunteers who are giving their time in a range of capacities across Barking and Dagenham.

During the pandemic, a number of our volunteers have taken on roles to support those who are the most vulnerable in the community.

National Volunteering Week provides an opportunity to highlight the work we have been undertaking over the past few months with the voluntary sector to coordinate volunteers, in order to provide the best possible support to those in need.

The council currently has 483 active volunteers who have given a total of 28,524 hours in a range of settings. In addition, 29 volunteers have been able to move into full time employment with the skills they acquired through volunteering.

Councillor Sade Bright, Cabinet Member for Employment, Skills and Aspiration, said: ”I would like to appreciate the hundreds of local people who give of their time volunteering in a number of roles across our borough, supporting our most vulnerable residents.

“National Volunteering Week provides an opportunity to highlight the work we have been undertaking over the past few months with the voluntary sector to coordinate volunteers, in order to provide the best possible support to those in need.”

A further 360 residents signed up to a new Covid-19 volunteer scheme.

To find out about volunteering opportunities with the council and to register, visit: