
Local Councillors tackle period poverty during lockdown

Women and young girls across Barking and Dagenham who are experiencing ‘period poverty’ have been given a boost thanks to the efforts of two local councillors and ASDA stores.

Prior to the pandemic, Cllr Glenda Paddle had always been at the forefront of looking at ways to provide free sanitary products to the borough’s vulnerable women and young girls, a situation made worse during the pandemic.

Councillor Paddle and her colleague Cllr Irma Freeborn both approached the local ASDA for help to support their cause, something the local supermarket was happy to oblige with a supply of these essential sanitary products.

Cllr Paddle said: “Research shows that 37 per cent of the nation – and 56 per cent of 18 to 24 year olds – have had to go without hygiene or grooming essentials, or cut down on them due to lack of funds. This is an issue very close to my heart and I am grateful ASDA have been able to step in to help.”

Cllr Freeborn added: “Feminine hygiene products, for women and girls who cannot afford them have become more difficult during the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown when money is hard to come by for the most vulnerable. I am glad that we are able offer help at this critical time.”  

If you know of any woman or young girl who is likely to be in need of sanitary products please do contact Cllr Paddle or Cllr Freeborn by email at: or