Barking Market

Popular east London market set to re-open with social distancing rules in place

East London’s famous Barking Market is set to re-open to customers on Tuesday 9 June, with a range of safety measures put in place to keep shoppers and traders safe.

The market will reopen in two phases - the first phase will start on Tuesday 9 June, for traders selling essential goods. Phase 2 will start on Tuesday 16 June, when non-essential traders will be allowed to return.

Our officers have been working very closely with the traders to ensure the market can open safely for everyone despite the difficult circumstances.

“We want the market to open but and we are committed to making sure that it is to done safely, and that both visitors to the market and traders operate according to set guidelines on social distancing.

The Council has been working with traders to provide advice and support to help them to operate safely. Both traders and customers are also being asked to follow the Public Health advice to ensure their safety. 

Councillor Margaret Mullane, Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety, said: “Our officers have been working very closely with the traders to ensure the market can open safely for everyone despite the difficult circumstances.

“We want the market to open but and we are committed to making sure that it is to done safely, and that both visitors to the market and traders operate according to set guidelines on social distancing.”

In order to reopen safely, the layout has been redesigned to allow a space of four metres between stalls. There will also be less trading pitches (stalls) and trading days will be limited to Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays initially, to be reviewed regularly and any necessary the adjustment made in line with government guidelines.

In addition, traders and customers will have to adhere to the following:

•    ensure a distance of 2 metres between customers and traders, 

•    council officers and marshals will be on hand to make sure that traders are adhering to social distancing rules

•    signs asking customers not to group and to remain 2 metres apart 

•    ensure that all traders and staff are advised on correct actions if they are exposed to or develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19

•    ask members of the public to avoid causing possible ‘bottlenecks’ or gathering so that people can pass easily by keeping their distance

•    pay by card where and if possible. Contactless payment