Link Road

Joint work sees persistent fly-tip problem resolved

Problems with a persistent fly-tip spot which has been a blight on the lives of local residents and has been so bad that sometimes residents have had to mount the kerb to drive past, has now been resolved.

The site on Link Road, just off the A13 in Dagenham, has resulted in numerous complaints from residents.

Following investigation by council enforcement officers, it was discovered that the land in question is privately owned and not the responsibility of the council, which means the freeholder has responsibility to deal with any fly tips on their land.


Officers engaged with the freeholder who then got contractor in to clear all the rubbish. In addition, the freeholder has given a commitment to carrying out regular maintenance and putting in place measures to prevent fly-tipping.


On our part, council officers will continue to monitor the situation and where there is evidence of non-compliance, they can follow up with a notice to enforce.


Councillor Margaret Mullane, Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety said: “I want like to thank our officers for their diligence and prompt action in dealing with this eyesore.


“We have a number of schemes in place which have seen a reduction in the number of fly-tips on council land and green spaces and has since saved us millions of pounds in clear up costs – money that can be best spent on our most vulnerable residents. 


“Unfortunately, in this case the ban does not cover private landowners who have to make their own arrangements to clear fly-tips on their lands.”