
Redbridge resident fined over £1000

An Ilford woman had her day in court (or not) earlier this month (June) after she failed to provide the details of the driver of her car who was seen littering on the streets of Barking and Dagenham.

The incident took place on Monday 25 November 2019 when Barking and Dagenham Council’s Environmental Enforcement Officers witnessed a female driver in a silver Mercedes dispose of a cigarette on the road.

Littering falls under Section 87(1) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and carries a fine of £150.

As the registered owner of the vehicle, Miss Kellie Lisa Himpfen of Tudor Crescent, Ilford was issued with a notice on 2 December 2019, which required her to provide the details of the driver of the vehicle within 21 days.

Miss Himpfen failed to respond, and she was issued with a final reminder/Notice of Intended prosecution on 3 January 2020.

Officers still did not receive any details after this, so checked with Redbridge Council to confirm that they had the right address, which they did, so she was summoned to appear in court.

The case was heard on Tuesday 1 June at Barkingside Magistrates Court and as Miss Himpfen failed to attend, and was found guilty.

Councillor Margaret Mullane, Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety said: “Whether it is fly tipping, littering or dropping a cigarette on the floor, we won’t stand for it in Barking and Dagenham and if we catch you, we will fine you.

“It’s not hard to use a bin and if the driver of the car had done just that, we wouldn’t be talking about this today. Cleaning up after other people is just a waste of taxpayer’s money, funds that would have been better spent on much needed services.”

The judge ordered Miss Himpfen to pay a £440 fine, £576 in costs to the council and a £44 victim surcharge, totalling £1060.