Cost of living survey
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Save up to £1,050 a year with these energy-saving tips.
Now more than ever every penny counts. That’s why we’re sharing these hacks to help you save energy and cut costs.
We’re all guilty of leaving our switches on when they’re not in use! Remember to flip the switch for things like your phone charger, TV, and other electrical appliances and save up to £70 each year.
Turning your lights off when you’re not using them or when you leave the room costs nothing and could save you up to £26 a year.
Swapping out old bulbs for energy saving LED alternatives could save you up to £7.46 per bulb replaced each year. And, when you count just how many bulbs you have at home, it all adds up!
We’ve all been there and done it – overfilled the kettle with more water than we need. Only heat the amount you need and you could save up to £48 each year.
Reducing the time you spend in the shower could save a typical household up to £89 a year, and swapping just one bath a week with a shower could save you a further £15.
Washing at a lower temperature and reducing amount of cycles you put on is better for the environment and your pocket. This could save you up to £38 a year!
Turning down the temperature controls on your radiator in rooms you’re not using could save you up to £95 each year.
By layering up and reducing your thermostat by just one degree, you could save up to £100 each year.
Reduce the heat being lost through windows and doors by draught proofing gaps. This could save you up to £57 a year.
Cavity wall and loft insulation could save you up to an eye watering £482. Find out if you could be eligible for free insulation works at
*Sources: ~NEA – Aug 2022; *MSE Jan 2022 & ^Which, May 2022. Current Energy Cap £2,500. Typical savings from these sources rendered as % of a typical bill and applied to current price cap to calculate potential savings. All figures are based on a typical household so may be higher of lower depending on individual household usage.