Help with walking
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If you are finding it difficult to walk around, you might need to think about using a walking stick or frame, or perhaps a wheelchair. There are a number of services available that might help, but it is a good idea to visit your doctor first as they will be able to advise you.
The Wheelchair Service
This service provides an assessment of wheelchair needs. If they decide you need to use a wheelchair, they will also supply equipment and a repair service. You need a referral to use this service. It can be from your doctor, consultant, occupational therapist, or other health professional.
The Dial-a-Wheelchair service is for residents of Barking, Dagenham and Havering. It provides two main services:
- Short term loan - You will need a referral from a health professional such as a doctor or an occupational therapist. Wheelchairs are available for up to three months. This service is often used by people who have broken a limb, or have had an operation which affects their ability to walk.
- Occasional loan - You can refer yourself for this service. A wheelchair can be delivered free to your door, and you can use it for up to three consecutive days a week. You need to give at least 24 hours notice if you want the wheelchair delivered to, or collected from, your home. You can also choose to collect the wheelchair yourself. If you take this option, you only need to give half an hour's notice.
It may be possible for you to take out a wheelchair on an occasional loan that lasts up to two weeks. This could be to go on holiday, or perhaps if you have family coming to visit and want to get out and about with them. If you wish to take the wheelchair you have borrowed abroad, you will need to pay a £250 deposit which will be given back to you when you return the wheelchair. It is important to make sure that your travel insurance covers the wheelchair in case anything happens to it.
DABD UK, 177 Valence Wood Road, Dagenham, RM8 3AJ
020 8517 7682
DABD UK website.
Please note that the Dial-a-Wheelchair service is not available to people who live in a nursing, residential or private care home.
Your doctor should be able to advise you if you are worried about walking, but you can call the Adult Intake and Access Team for advice on 020 8227 2915.
NHS information about walking aids, wheelchairs and mobility scooters.