
Interested in a career in health and social care? Then come on down

Residents of Barking and Dagenham who are interested in a career in health and social care are being invited to attend an online careers fair in September.

The event, which will give participants access to a number of employers and live vacancies will take place on Thursday 17 September, from 10am to 11am and will be done using Microsoft Teams, so access to a computer is essential.

17 August 2020
Mayor approves studios
Mayor gives go-ahead to major new film studios in Dagenham

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has today given his approval to major new film studios in Dagenham.

The Mayor has backed plans by Barking and Dagenham Council to build the capital’s largest film studios in Dagenham East, boosting the borough and London’s growing film and TV industries.

The plans were approved by the council’s planning committee last month, and as with all major developments like this, plans are then submitted to the Greater London Authority for final approval.  

14 August 2020
Woman dumped, council saw, and woman fined – CCTV catches out fly tipper

Barking and Dagenham Council CCTV cameras continue to prove its worth in the fight against grime crime as a local woman has been caught and fined for dumping black bags.

Enforcement officers were made aware by CCTV operatives of a woman living on Sunningdale Avenue, who was seen dumping rubbish at the end of the road.

Following this, officers visited the property and were able to speak to the woman, who was immediately identified, as she was still wearing the same clothes as when she was caught by council CCTV cameras.

13 August 2020
Barking Town Hall
Council calls on government to come clean on cost of transport for SEND children come September

The cost of getting children with special education needs in Barking and Dagenham to school is set to rise by at least 100 per cent and the council is seeking clarity from the government.

In a letter to Vicky Ford MP, the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Children and Families, Council Leader, Cllr Darren Rodwell and Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health Integration, Cllr Maureen Worby asked the government to clarify what it means by safe travel.

11 August 2020
Don't be a tosser
We’re watching you – tossers caught fly tipping by council CCTV cameras

Barking and Dagenham Council enforcement officers turned into Sherlock Holmes this week as their investigative skills helped them track down two fly tipping offenders.

On the evening of Thursday 27 July, the east London council’s CCTV recorded a driver and passenger of a white Ford transit box van dumping rubbish out of the back of the vehicle onto a public highway.

6 August 2020
East London council Leader pledges to shut down any business disobeying Coronavirus guidelines

Businesses including bars, pubs, cafes not following government guidelines on social distancing and the rules on reopening in Barking and Dagenham run the risk of being shut down.

In a stern warning, the Leader of Barking and Dagenham, Councillor Darren Rodwell, said: “Now more than ever, it is vital that people continue to follow government advice on social distancing, wearing face coverings and practising good hand hygiene, in order to keep down the number of cases across the borough.

6 August 2020