Planning roads

Particularly busy major roads are known as planning roads because you need approval from the planning department before you can place skips or carry any type of work on them.

If you live on one of these roads you will need planning approval for any work that might disrupt the highway, including:

  • work on your garden
  • any type of exterior construction work

To get approval for work on planning roads


Planning Department

020 8227 3933

List of planning roads

Road name  
Abbey Road North Circular
Ballards Road Porters Avenue
Eastern Avenue Rainham Road North
Fanshawe Avenue Rainham Road South
Green Lane Relief Road
Heathway Ripple Road
High Road/London Road St Pauls Road
Ilford lane Whalebone Lane North
Lodge Avenue from Porters Avenue

(even numbers 316–518

odd numbers 351–531)
Whalebone Lane South
Longbridge Road Wood Lane