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Roads and highway licences
Guide Navigation
Skip Guide NavigationExcavations on the public highway (s50, s171, s184, s278)
Any person or organisation that isn't a utility or doesn't have a statutory right to open or excavate the highway will require a licence in accordance with Section 50 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991.
Section 50 (s50) Licence application - to lay new or maintain existing apparatus in the public highway for non-statutory undertakers.
Any contractors who want to carry out roadwork excavations on the highway must apply for and be granted a Section 50 licence before work starts. Carrying out such work without a licence is an offence and may result in prosecution. Section 50 Licences are issued for works such as sewer connections, private water supplies, gas and electric main laying and connections.
For s50 enquiries and applications, please email:
Section 171 (s171) Licence application - to carry out excavation works on an adopted highway (minor works)
We may grant a Section 171 footway excavation licence under the Highways Act (1980) if you need to carry out excavation works on an adopted highway. The licence requires that public liability insurance is provided and that the persons excavating in the street are qualified to do so. It also allows the setup of temporary traffic management, tree works, installation of private street furniture, building and re-building boundary walls on or near the highway and trial hole excavations.
Any contractors who want to carry out any of the above on the highway must apply for and be granted a Section 171 licence before work starts.
A s171 license may also be needed in addition to a crane, scaffolding or hoarding license. Carrying out this work without a licence is an offence and may result in prosecution.
For s171 enquiries and applications, please email:
Section 184 (s184) Agreement - vehicle access for new developments
Under Section 184 of The Highways Act 1980, a person may make a request to the council as the Local Highways Authority for constructing a vehicle access over a footway, or verge in the highway.
To apply for vehicle access (crossover) approval, please go to - Dropped kerbs | London Borough of Barking and Dagenham (
Section 278 (s278) Agreement
Highways works required on the public highway as a result of development works are subject to a s278 Agreement. As the highway authority, we give authorisation for any work on the highway. Works cannot begin until the Section 278 agreement is completed.
For s278 enquiries and applications, please email: